Date joined etsy - 7/13/08
Sales to date - 1864

-Tell us a bit about yourself name, location, affiliations, personal stuff.
My name is Drea, and I'm lucky enough to share my life with my adorable husband Aaron, my co-dependent cat Edward Zuckerman and a mouse named Courtney.
We live in a little tiny town named Maple Valley in in Washington state. We just moved here, but I enjoy it a lot. The list of tiny towns that I've lived in during my 28 years is long. Born in a tiny town, raised in another tiny town... I'm sort of a tiny town collector.
-Apart from creating things, what do you do?
I'm fortunate enough to have been able to quit my "day job" back in 2007. So FaeriedTreasures is my full time job.
That's not to say that I only create things for FaeriedTreasures. I do a lot more than just create Jewelry. Prior to running my own business, I was a childrens book illustrator and a painter. I also sculpt. Art is my true passion, and although physical limitations keep me from indulging too much, I do spend much of my time creating visual art in other mediums.
When I'm not creating, I'm usually sitting in the window with my cat, reading a book, watching a movie or enjoying nature with my husband, or sleeping. Oh how I love to sleep. One of the great things about working for yourself and working from home, is being able to take naps.
-What first made you want to become an artist?
The challenger space shuttle explosion.
No, seriously. Up until the moment that I witnessed that tragedy, sitting on the floor of my elementary school gymnasium... I knew I was going to be either an Astronaut or an artist.
...lets just say that that day when those brave people lost their lives was the end of my astronaut career aspirations. I was 5. After a few days to recover (I was 5, dont blame me for my short attention span) I set myself into artist mode, and haven't turned back since... Although there are many nights where I can be found staring up into the sky, enjoying the dark wonder and sparkle from the heavens above.
Don't ask why my options were decidedly Astronaut or artist. It was probably an alphabetical thing. I was 5! :)
-Please describe your creative process how, when, materials, etc.
Step 1. Collect beads.
Step 2. ?
Step 3. Profit.
Ok ok, I'm kidding. Sort of.
The creation process just sort of happens for me now. I get inspired by the beads and gems themselves, I sit down in my little studio room with my radio blaring, I open the window and I create. I take my photos in the same window, since its the only window in the house which gets full light. Its the front window in my apartment, so sometimes I get a lot of awkward stares and glares from my neighbours who assume I'm taking photos of things beyond the window sill.
-What handmade possession do you most cherish?
I have a few. The first is this scrapbook that my husband made for me last Christmas. He found photos from before we were together, through when we first met, our first dates, marriage up through the time he made it.
My second favourite handmade possession is actually a collection, I've saved every love letter, drawing, card or note that my husband has written for me. Someday I want to put them in the scrapbook that he made for me.
Finally, my giant stuffed panda bear that my mom made for me when I was little. When my husband is away or if I'm sad, I still pull him out of the closet and snuggle him. My mom is an amazing artist and such a creative person. When we had very little money when I was a kid, she made all of my toys.
-Name your top five books, movies, songs/musical groups, and web sites besides Etsy.
The BFG or anything else written by Roald Dahl
Watership down
Ozma of Oz
A collection of Edgar Allen Poe's works.
Return to Oz
Everything you ever wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask
Neco z alenky (Jan Svankmajer's surrealist Alice)
The adventures of Baron Munchausen
Only FIVE? Thats hardly fair. :)
My favourite song of all time is "Think" by The Information Society, followed closely by "Happy together" by The Turtles.
My favourite bands are a mix of folk, funk and the beatles from the 50's and 60's, New wave from the 80's, punk, screamo and EBM from the 90's, and current "alternative" rock... but if I have to narrow it down to five bands...
Depeche Mode
Colin Hay
Nina Simone
...and because I refuse to conform, I'd like to add a 6th, Daft Punk. :)
-What advice would you give to artists who are new to Etsy?
Rome wasn't built in a day. Have patience, be proactive, dont get bogged down in worry, and be realistic. Oh, and understand that just because you put it on the internet doesnt mean that everyone is going to rush in to buy it. Spend your slow days trying to improve, even if you think you can't improve any farther.
-What are your favorite features on Etsy? What new features would you like to see?
My favourite features on Etsy... I like chat. I'm excited to see the improvements that Rob Kalin is planning to make in the coming weeks/months/years. I would like to see a way to have a "Sale" in your shop, so that you can mark down all items from a single page. I'd also like to see a way to use a discount code or a gift certificates. Oh, and it would be neat to be able to put items in multiple sections in your shop.
-How do you promote your work?
I don't, really. I use twitter, but rarely promote my shop. I go into chat on Etsy, but I don't pander. I'm afraid to go into the forums anymore. I have a facebook, but its a personal page and I try to keep any advertisements to a minimum. I don't pay for advertising, either. I think that having been on Etsy's front page has helped me a great deal, and just generally having an online presence. I also add new items to my shop frequently, and renew a few things a day.
-In ten years I'd like to be...
Snuggling with my husband on our cozy couch in a home that we own, close to family and friends, enjoying life. It would also help if we were financially stable, but I hear thats a myth anyways. :)

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