Date joined etsy - 1/27/08
Sales to date - 451

My name is Lisa Sieczka...I chose the shop name Elle Moss as i thought it would be easier to remember. Elle for "L" and Moss is an old family name. It just sort of stuck and sometimes I regret it.
I have 2 kids and 2 cats and a little 2 story house in Saline, Michigan.
My favorite ice cream flavor is coffee. Or lemon cream.
-Describe an average day in life of "you".
I wake up early and spend the day playing with my 4 year old and working intermittently. My mother often comes over to watch Olive for a few hours while I take photos, edit photos or work on my blogs or shop.
I am often running, post office, grocery store and try to cook a whole foods vegetarian dinner every night for my family. This is probably the highlight of my day. Food, wine, family.
-Were you creative growing up/what did you enjoy doing?
Growing up I loved dance, gymnastics, poetry and yes, photography too. Ive always loved taking photographs and always had cameras with me wherever I went.
-What made you want to start selling on etsy?
The idea of making some money while being able to stay home with my daughter was almost too good to be true. Its turned out to be the best thing I've ever done.
-How long did it take for you to get your first sale on etsy?
1 to 2 weeks, i think.
-Top 5 favorite foods, tv shows, and bands?
anything with coconut or lemon
green olives
The Office (us version is my fave but love the british version as well)
Mad Men
Top Chef
The Beatles
Fiona Apple
Belle and Sebastian
-Is there anything you'd like to try your hand at doing? Knitting, baking, soap making, wood working, etc.
I've done soap making, and while I like parts of it, I hated working with lye...scary!
I've tried to knit. Even took a class. I wanted to love it, but found it tedious and frustrating.
I would love to take some jewelry classes, but think i may just stick to photography.
-What would you suggest to new etsy sellers to promote their shops?
Dont give up! Keep listing new items. Keep promoting. Join twitter, facebook, flickr and network. Start a blog and believe in your product and yourself.
-3 etsy shops you just LOVE?
Sea Unicorn:
Old Age:
-By New Years Eve 2011 I'd like to have _____ amount of sales.

Have a successful etsy shop and want to be a featured seller? Contact me at
As always, thanks for reading :)