Date joined etsy - 4/1/08
Sales to date - 501

My name is Karin Lorenc (as you might have already guessed), and I'm from Niagara Falls New York. My husband and I have a neurotic cat named Moses. She's convinced she should be the only cat in the world and has some issues dealing with reality. My favorite ice cream is Coldstone's mint ice cream with almonds.
-Describe an average day in life of "you".
My day begins with coffee in a handmade mug carefully chosen to fit my mood. I do most of my work in the morning because that's when my brain works best. Nights I spend a lot of time reading in front of the fireplace. With tea in a carefully chosen mug. Caffeine is very important to me.
-Were you creative growing up/what did you enjoy doing?
I've been creative as long as I can remember. Creating is my life. I've always enjoyed a wide range of media. Crocheting, drawing, pottery and painting. Cooking, making gourd musical instruments, and anything else I can get my hands into. Especially if it's messy.
-What made you want to start selling on etsy?
A friend recommended Etsy to me a few years ago and I never looked back. I had acquired both a pottery wheel and kiln and needed to get rid of some of my work in order to justify making more.
-How long did it take for you to get your first sale on etsy?
My first sale came after a couple of weeks but it took months to start getting regular sales.
-Top 5 favorite foods, tv shows, and bands?
Foods: Cheese, garlic, black beans, avocado, pizza.
TV shows: Anything on PBS. It's the only channel I get.
Bands: My favorite bands are constantly changing. Lately I've been listening to a lot of folk music, Tom Waits, The Supremes, Mogwai, and Nick Cave.
-Is there anything you'd like to try your hand at doing? Knitting, baking, soap making, wood working, etc.
I'd love to learn to knit. And spin. I might as well get my own sheep as well so I can enjoy the whole process.
-What would you suggest to new etsy sellers to promote their shops?
List items everyday! It's important to space out your listings to increase exposure. Take the best pictures you can and don't settle for any that are blurry.
-3 etsy shops you just LOVE?
-By New Years Eve 2010 I hope my number of sold items is ______.
Over 1000!

Have a successful etsy shop and want to be a featured seller? Contact me at
As always, thanks for reading :)